Networking & Grants

Networking & Grants


  • COST ACTION CA20117  “Converting molecular profiles of myeloid cells into biomarkers for inflammation and cancer”,, Chair: Professor Sven BRANDAU, University Hospital Essen, Germany, (2021-2025).

  • CardioRNA COST Action CA17129 "Catalysing transcriptomics research in cardiovascular disease", Chair: dr. Yvan Devaux, Luxembourg Institute of Health (2018-2022)

  • The PECO Framework Program of the European Commission, coordinator: Prof. M. J. Mulvany, Aarhus University, Denmark (1994)

  • Copernicus Program, European Community, coordinator: Prof. Jacopo Meldolesi (1992-1995)

  • Swiss National Science Foundation, collaboration with Prof. Walter Hunziker (1996-1998)

  • The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, collaboration with Prof. Victor Ghetie and Prof. Sally E. Ward (1997-2000)

  • Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany, collaboration with Prof. Teymuras Kurzchalia (2001)

  • Purdue University, Department of Chemistry, Wert Lafayette, USA, collaboration with Prof. Philip S. Low (2002)

  • NATO Science Project, coordinators: Prof. Vassilis Zannis and Prof. Maya Simionescu (2001-2003)

  • Democritus University of Thrace, Laboratory of Pharmacology, Greece, collaboration with Prof. Vangelis Manolopoulos

  • Institute Pasteur, Lille, France, in collaboration with Prof. Jean-Charles Fruchart

  • INSERM Science Project, colaboration with Prof. Livia Poenaru (2000-2003)

  • COST B-17 „Cardiovascular Dysfunction“ WG, collaboration with Prof. Peter Shepherd, University College London, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular biology, London, UK (2001-2004)

  • COST Action BM0602 – Collaboration with Prof. Juergen Eckel, Instritute of Clinical Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Dusseldorf, Germany

  • Department of Physiology (Cell Physiology Research Group), University of Extremadura, Cáceres. Spain

  • Institute of Molecular Cell Biology, Center for Molecular Biomedicine, FriederichSchillerUniversity, Jena, Germany

  • University of Crete Medical School, Greece, collaboration with Prof. Dimitris Kardassis,

  • University of Patras Medical School, Greece, collaboration with Dr. Kyriakos Kypreos

  • INSERM (French Institute of Health and Medical Research), Cardiovascular ResearchCenter at Lariboisiere

  • Institute of Pharmacy and Food Chemistry, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany

  • Laboratory of Natural Medicinal Compounds, MIGAL - Galilee Technology Center, Haifa, Israel, collaboration with Hagai Tavori

  • Department of Pharmacology, Hebrew University - Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel, collaboration with Prof. Shlomo Sasson

  • Department of Kardiovaskuläre Molekularbiologie, Universitätsklinikum Aachen, Germany

  • Department of Pharmacy, Martin-LutherUniversity, Halle, Germany.

  • Pediatric Cardiology, University of Cologne, Germany, collaboration with Prof. Konrad Brockmeier

  • Institute of Neurophysiology, University of Cologne, Germany, collaboration with Prof. Jurgen Hescheler and Dr. Markus Khalil

  • Prof. Frank Dietmar Böhmer, Institute of Molecular Cell Biology, Center for Molecular Biomedicine, FriederichSchillerUniversity, Jena, Germany



United States of America  

G.E. Palade, C. De Duve, G. Blobel (Nobel Prize Laureates)
R.W. Anderson, B. Brewer, J. Castle, J. Catravas, R. Cotran, F. Curry, M.G. Farquhar, J. Folkman, S. Fowler, R. Gerrity, V. Ghetie, M. Gimbrone, G. Grottendorst, A. Helenius, H. Hoff, R. Holmes, J. Jamieson, I. Joris, I. Karagiannides - David, M. Karnovski, N. Kefalides, I. Kupfermann, H. Kruth, P. Lazarov, P. Low, G. Majno, S. Parthasarathy, F. Pluteanu, R. Radu, D.D. Sabatini, J. Sheridan, S. Silverstein, D. Steinberg, D. Stern, L. Weiss, J. Witztum, R. Wissler


V. Bochkov, P. Jansen-Durr, D. Kerjaschi, L. Micutckova;


R. H. Lijnen;


D. Ivanova;


J. Bergeron, Y. Clermont, M.A. Mateescu;


C.Aalkjaer, M. Mulvany;


S.M.K. Abdel Aziz, T.M.G. Abdelmotieleb, N.M.N. Mikhael, H.A.Razik, N.M.K.Mohamed, N.S.E.Mohamed Ahmed.


C. Ehnholm, M. Jauhiainen, P.T. Kowanen, J. Monkkonen;


J-M. Bard, C. Boulanger, P. Duriez, J. Estaquier, J. M. Freyssinet, J.C. Fruchart, J. Fruchart-Najib, P. Gervois, A. Kalopissis, S. Lehoux, H. Lesot, D. Louvard, P. Marche, J.F. Money, J. Montreuil, A. Negre-Salvayre, L. Poenaru, B. Staels, L. Tora, T. Tursz;


G. Ballagi, D. Baus, G. Bendas, U. Beisigel, F-D. Bohmer, J. Eckel, W. Franke, J. Hescheler, H-G. Joost, R.R. Koenen, S. Lehr, W. Loebel, A. Ludwig, T. Oelgeschlager, H. M. Piper,
A. Rolletschek, W-D. Schulz, W. Siess, K. Simons, J. Taplick, A. Taube, K. Unsicker, C. Weber, G. Bendas, M. Schlesinger, R. Zeissig;


C. Flordellis, K. Kypreos, V. Manolopoulos;


E. Biessen, W. Busing, K. W. Van Dijk, R. H. Henning, V.W.M. Van Hinsberg, G. Molema, M. Ouwens, M. J. Post, H. Stuijker-Boudier;


K. Acsai, P. Csermely, L. Nagy;


J. Askenasy, N. Askenasy, M. Aviram, N. Bashan, K. Bloch, G. Cohen, N. Kaiser, A. Rudich, S. Sasson, S. Solomon, H. Tavori, P. Vardi;


A. Catapano, G. Condorelli, E. Dejana, G. Dini, C. Domenicotti, F. Giorgino, P. Gallo, L. Laviola, G. Leonarduzzi, M. Maiello, E. Melloni, M. Montagnani, P. Motta, G. D. Norata, G. Poli, J. Racah, F. Visioli;


K. Mizuho, P. Nakane;


J. Jensen, V. Grill;


A. Dembinska-Kieć;


M. Kreft;

Slovak Republic

D. Gasperikova, I. Klimes;


P. Arner, A. Bjoorklund, O. Hovatta, O. Wiklund;


M. Bochaton-Piallat, G. Gabbiani, W. Hunziker, T. Luscher, M. Nissen, D. Picard, L. Borsig;

United Kingdom

M. Balls, G. Brooks, A. Ceriello, Sir A. Epstein, M. Falasca, S. Humphries, M.R. Ladomery, G. Mann, P. Mcternan, T. Oelgeschlager, C. Packard, P. Shepherd, P. Talmud, E. Tomlinson, P. Trayhurn, G. Willson;


P. Djordjevic;


J. Egido, J. Garcia-Estan, J.M. Juiz-Gomez, A. De Leiva, M. Lorenzo, M.A. Merchan-Cifuentes,
P. C. Redondo Liberal J. A. Rosado, G. Zalba;


H. Basaga, F. Ozcan, E. Cevher.