10.09.2024 - CONCURS /JOB OPENINGS - 1 post temporar vacant de execuție de Medic veterinar II (cu atribuții în coordonarea activității specifice Biobazei) / 1 temporary vacant post of execution of Veterinary Doctor II (with attributions in coor

Generale / 21.08.2024



I.B.P.C. N.SIMIONESCU, în conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr.53/2003 - Codul Muncii, republicată, cu modificările și completările ulterioare și ale Hotărârii nr. 1336/28.10.2022 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului-cadru privind organizarea și dezvoltarea carierei personalului contractual din sectorul bugetar plătit din fonduri publice, anunță organizarea în data de 10.09.2024 la sediul din str. B.P.Hașdeu nr.8, sector 5, București, ora 11.00,  a concursului pentru ocuparea pe perioadă determinată, normă întreagă, cu o perioadă de probă, conform legislației în vigoare, a unui post temporar vacant de execuție de Medic veterinar II (cu atribuții în coordonarea activității specifice Biobazei).




a) are cetăţenia română sau cetăţenia unui alt stat membru al Uniunii Europene, a unui stat parte la Acordul privind Spaţiul Economic European (SEE) sau cetăţenia Confederaţiei Elveţiene; 

b) cunoaşte limba română, scris şi vorbit; 

c) are capacitate de muncă în conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 53/2003 - Codul muncii, republicată, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare; 

d) are o stare de sănătate corespunzătoare postului pentru care candidează, atestată pe baza adeverinţei medicale eliberate de medicul de familie sau de unităţile sanitare abilitate; 

e) îndeplineşte condiţiile de studii, de vechime în specialitate şi, după caz, alte condiţii specifice potrivit cerinţelor postului scos la concurs; 

f) nu a fost condamnată definitiv pentru săvârşirea unei infracţiuni contra securităţii naţionale, contra autorităţii, contra umanităţii, infracţiuni de corupţie sau de serviciu, infracţiuni de fals ori contra înfăptuirii justiţiei, infracţiuni săvârşite cu intenţie care ar face o persoană candidată la post incompatibilă cu exercitarea funcţiei contractuale pentru care candidează, cu excepţia situaţiei în care a intervenit reabilitarea; 

g) nu execută o pedeapsă complementară prin care i-a fost interzisă exercitarea dreptului de a ocupa funcţia, de a exercita profesia sau meseria ori de a desfăşura activitatea de care s-a folosit pentru săvârşirea infracţiunii sau faţă de aceasta nu s-a luat măsura de siguranţă a interzicerii ocupării unei funcţii sau a exercitării unei profesii; 






  1. formular de înscriere la concurs; 
  2. copia actului de identitate sau orice alt document care atestă identitatea, potrivit legii, aflate în termen de valabilitate; 
  3. copia certificatului de căsătorie sau a altui document prin care s-a realizat schimbarea de nume, după caz; 
  4. copiile documentelor care atestă nivelul studiilor;
  5. cazier judiciar;
  6. adeverinţă medicală care să ateste starea de sănătate corespunzătoare, eliberată de către medicul de familie al candidatului sau de către unităţile sanitare abilitate cu cel mult 6 luni anterior derulării concursului; 
  7. candidatul va prezenta originalele documentelor pentru conformitate;
  8. curriculum vitae, model comun european.



Cerintele postului:


- Condiții specifice de participare: studii superioare, absolvent al Facultatii de Medicina Veterinara;

- cunoștințe despre biologia animalelor mici de laborator (șoareci, șobolani, hamsteri);

- aptitudini privind manipularea animalelor mici de laborator (șoareci, șobolani, hamsteri) și efectuarea de proceduri pe animale mici de laborator, inclusiv administrări de substanțe și medicamente folosind diferite căi de administrare, recoltare de sânge, țesuturi, organe, biopsii și prelevări de probe biologice, eutanasie;

- cunoașterea la zi a legislației în vigoare privind funcționarea biobazelor și bunăstarea animalelor folosite în scopuri științifice;

- cunoașterea ghidurilor și recomandărilor UE privind protecția animalelor folosite în scopuri științifice;

- aptitudini pentru înțelegerea specificului muncii de cercetare, capacitate de selectare a soluţiilor pentru rezolvarea problemelor, precum şi de elaborare și consilere privind elaborarea de experimente în care se utilizează animale de laborator, corelate cu o temă de cercetare;

- organizarea documentelor (în format fizic și/sau electronic) și a registrelor, în conformitate cu cerințele din legislația în vigoare privind funcționarea biobazelor și bunăstarea animalelor folosite în scopuri științifice și cu procedurile de lucru din biobaza IBPC

- îndemanare, precizie, ordine, rigurozitate, reponsabilitate, echilibru și stăpânire de sine, corectitudine, capacitate de a utiliza eficient resursele puse la dispoziție (animale de laborator, aparatură și echipamente, consumabile și materiale, mijloace de documentare), capacitate de analiză și sinteză.

- cunoștințe de limba engleză – nivel mediu

- cunoștințe generale de operare calculator - Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)




1. Coman C., Savi G., Cotor G., Soarecele, animal de laborator, Ed. Alt Press Tour, 2008

2. Breeding Strategies for Maintaining Colonies of Laboratory Mice - A Jackson Laboratory Resource Manual (https://research.uci.edu/wp-content/uploads/JAX-breeding-strategies.pdf)

3. Evaluarea proiectului si evaluarea retroactiva -ghid EU (https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/7a2f43a1-2550-11e9-8d04-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-282223752)

4. Cadrul de evaluare a severitatii -ghid EU (https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/fe448d22-282f-11e9-8d04-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-282223752)

5. Legislatia pentru Protecţia animalelor folosite în scopuri experimentale sau științifice:






Datele de desfășurare a probelor de concurs:

26.08.2024 - 06.09.2024 - depunerea dosarelor de înscriere la concurs pana la ora 15.00

09.09.2024 - selecție dosare si afisarea rezultatelor, pana la ora 10.00, depunere contestații selecție dosare, pana la ora 13.00, comunicare rezultatelor la contestatii , pana la ora 15.00

10.09.2024 - susținere probă scrisă, ora 11.00, la sediul Institutului;

11.09.2024 - afișarea rezultatelor la proba scrisă ora 10.00, depunerea contestatiilor pana la ora 13.00 si afisarea rezultatelor contestatiilor la proba scrisa pana la ora 15.00

12.09.2024  - susținere probă de interviu, ora 11.00 la sediul Institutului

13.09.2024 - afișare rezultate probă de interviu ora 10.00, depunere contestatiilor pana la ora 13.00 si afisarea rezultatelor contestatiilor la proba de interviu si a rezultatelor finale pana la ora 16.00.

Relații suplimentare si bibliografia se pot obtine zilnic intre orele 11-14 la telefon 021.319.45.18,  la sediul Institutului  sau pe site-ul www.icbp.ro .





























   I.B.P.C. N.SIMIONESCU, in accordance with the provisions of Law no.53/2003 - Labor Code, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions and Decision no. 1336/28.10.2022 for the approval of the Framework Regulation on the organization and career development of contractual staff in the budgetary sector paid from public funds, announces the organization on 10.09.2024 at the headquarters of B.P.Hașdeu str, sector 5, Bucharest, at 11.00 a.m., of the competition for the recruitment on a fixed-term, full-time basis, with a probationary period, in accordance with the legislation in force, of a temporary vacant executive post of Veterinary II (with duties in the coordination of the specific activity of the Biobase).




(a) has Romanian citizenship or citizenship of another Member State of the European Union, of a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) or citizenship of the Swiss Confederation;

 b) has knowledge of Romanian language, written and spoken;

 c) has the capacity to work in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 53/2003 - Labor Code, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions;

 d) is in a state of health appropriate to the post for which he/she is applying, attested on the basis of a medical certificate issued by the family doctor or authorized health units;

 (e) satisfies the conditions as to educational qualifications, seniority in the specialist field and, where appropriate, other specific conditions in accordance with the requirements of the post advertised;

 f) has not been convicted by final judgment of any offense against national security, against authority, against humanity, corruption, offenses of service, offenses of forgery or offenses against the administration of justice, offenses committed intentionally which would render a person applying for the post incompatible with the exercise of the contractual function for which he/she is applying, except in the case of rehabilitation;

 (g) he/she is not serving an additional sentence prohibiting him/her from exercising the right to hold the office, exercise the profession or trade or engage in the activity in which he/she has been involved in the commission of the offense or has not been disqualified by a security measure prohibiting him/her from holding an office or exercising a profession;







  • competition application form;
  • a copy of your identity card or any other valid document proving your identity as required by law;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate or other document proving the change of name, if applicable;
  • copies of documents certifying the level of education;
  • criminal record;
  • a medical certificate attesting that you are in good health, issued by your family doctor or by an approved medical establishment no more than six months before the competition;
  • the candidate must submit the originals of the documents to be authenticated;
  • curriculum vitae, common European format.





Job requirements:


- Specific conditions for participation: university degree, graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine;

 - Knowledge of the biology of small laboratory animals (mice, rats, hamsters);

 - skills in handling small laboratory animals (mice, rats, hamsters) and performing procedures on small laboratory animals, including administration of substances and drugs using different routes of administration, blood, tissue, organ collection, biopsies and biological sampling, euthanasia;

 - up-to-date knowledge of the legislation in force concerning the operation of biohazards and the welfare of animals used for scientific purposes;

 - knowledge of EU guidelines and recommendations on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes;

 - skills for understanding the specifics of research work, ability to select solutions to solve problems and to design and advise on the design of experiments using laboratory animals related to a research topic;

 - organizing documents (in physical and/or electronic format) and records in accordance with the requirements of the legislation in force on the operation of bio-laboratories and the welfare of animals used for scientific purposes and with the working procedures of the IBPC bio-laboratory

 - skill, accuracy, neatness, tidiness, thoroughness, responsibility, poise and self-control, fairness, ability to make efficient use of the resources provided (laboratory

 animals, apparatus and equipment, consumables and materials, documentation facilities), ability to analyze and synthesize.

 - knowledge of English - medium level

 - general computer literacy - Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)




1. Coman C., Savi G., Cotor G., Soarecele, animal de laborator, Ed. Alt Press Tour, 2008

 2. Breeding Strategies for Maintaining Colonies of Laboratory Mice - A Jackson Laboratory Resource Manual (https://research.uci.edu/wp-content/uploads/JAX-breeding-strategies.pdf)

 3. Project Evaluation and Retrospective Evaluation - EU Guide (https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/7a2f43a1-2550-11e9-8d04-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-282223752)

 4. Severity Assessment Framework - EU guide (https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/fe448d22-282f-11e9-8d04-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-282223752)

 5. Legislation for the Protection of animals used for experimental or scientific purposes:

 Law 43/2014 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes

 Order No. 94/674/2019 on the approval of the Procedure for granting derogations from the provisions of Art. 32 paras. (1) and (6) of Law no. 43/2014 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes

 Order no. 97/2015 for the approval of the Veterinary Sanitary Standard on the procedure for the veterinary sanitary authorization of establishments using, breeding and supplying animals used for scientific purposes, for the approval of the Veterinary Sanitary Standard on the procedure for the veterinary sanitary authorization of projects involving the use of animals in procedures, as well as for the amendment of the Veterinary Sanitary Regulation on the procedure for the veterinary sanitary registration/authorization of establishments/collection centres/holding of origin and means of transport in the field of animal health and animal welfare, establishments involved in the storage and neutralization of animal by-products not intended for human consumption and processed products, approved by Order of the President of the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority no. 16/2010

 Order no. 122/2019 on amending and supplementing the Order of the President of the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority no. 97/2015for the approval of the Veterinary Sanitary Norm on the procedure for the veterinary sanitary authorization of establishments using, breeding and supplying animals used for scientific purposes, for the approval of the Veterinary Sanitary Norm on the procedure for the veterinary sanitary authorization of projects involving the use of animals in procedures, as well as for the amendment of the Veterinary Sanitary Regulation on the procedure for the veterinary sanitary registration/authorization of establishments/collection centres/holding of origin and means of transport in the field of animal health and animal welfare, establishments involved in the storage and neutralization of animal by-products not intended for human consumption and processed products, approved by Order of the President of the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority no. 16/2010

 Order No 156/2020 amending and supplementing Annex No 2 to Order of the President of the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority No. 97/2015 for the approval of the Veterinary Sanitary Regulation on the procedure for the veterinary sanitary authorization of establishments using, breeding and supplying animals used for scientific purposes, for the approval of the Veterinary Sanitary Regulation on the procedure for the veterinary sanitary authorization of projects involving the use of animals in procedures, as well as for the amendment of the Veterinary Sanitary Regulation on the procedure for the veterinary sanitary registration/authorization of establishments/collection centres/holding of origin and means of transport in the field of animal health and animal welfare, establishments involved in the storage and neutralization of animal by-products not intended for human consumption and processed products, approved by Order of the President of the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority no. 16/2010


Order No 106/2016 establishing the National Committee for the Protection of Animals used for Scientific or Educational Purposes


Order No 32/2021 for the approval of the Methodological Rules on the minimum requirements for education and professional training and the requirements for obtaining, maintaining and demonstrating the competence necessary to carry out the activity in the field of breeding, supplying and using animals for scientific purposes


Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.




  Dates of the competition:


26.08.2024 - 06.09.2024 - submission of application forms for the competition until 3 p.m.


09.09.2024 - selection of applications and display of results, by 10 a.m., submission of appeals against selection of applications, by 1 p.m., notification of results of appeals, by 3 p.m.


10.09.2024 - written test, at 11 a.m., at the Institute's headquarters;


11.09.2024 - written test results, 10.00 a.m., submission of appeals by 1.00 p.m. and notification of the results of the written test by 3.00 p.m.


12.09.2024 - interview, 11.00 a.m. at the Institute's headquarters


13.09.2024 - posting of interview results at 10 a.m., submission of appeals until 1 p.m. and posting of the results of appeals to the interview and the final results until 4 p.m..


Further information and the bibliography can be obtained daily between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. by phone 021.319.45.18, at the Institute's headquarters or on the website www.icbp.ro .