Networking & Grants

- FP7 "CAPACITATI" - Cooperare Internationala finantat de catre Comunitatea Europeana (Research Potential REGPOT-2009-2): RAMSES: Reinforcement of the Adult stem cell research area through Mobility and Scientific networking between Egypt, Romania and a German consortium for Strengthening the international scientific competency. Grant agreement no. 245691 (2010-2013), Coordonator Stiintific pentru IBPC “N. Simionescu”: Dr. Marilena Lupu

Title:Reinforcement of the Adult stem cell research area through Mobility and Scientific networking between Egypt, Romania and a German consortium for Strengthening the international scientific competency, Acronym “RAMSES”




Duration: March 1st 2010 – March 1st 2013.

Founding source: European Union Frammework Programme 7 (FP7), Capacities, International Cooperation, Research Potential (REGPOT-2009-2); Grant Agreement nr. 245691

Coordinator: Prof. Konrad Brockmeier, MD – Universität zu Köln, UniversitätsKlinikum


  • Universität zu Köln, UniversitätsKlinikum, Cologne, Germany
  • Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology „Nicolae Simionescu“ (ICBP), Bucharest, Romania

Scientific Coordinator ICBP: Dr. Marilena Lupu, PhD

  • Cairo University (CU), Cairo, Egypt

Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Hala Hamza, MD

  • European Research and Project Office GMBH

Project team:

  • Konrad Brockmeier, MD
  • Markus Khalil, MD
  • Jürgen Hescheler, MD, PhD
  • Maya Simionescu, PhD
  • Horia Maniu, PhD
  • Marilena Lupu, PhD
  • Hala Hamza, MD



During the reign of RAMSES II, Egypt's most renowned Pharaoh, Egypt achieved an economical and cultural period of prosperity. Thus, RAMSES II can be seen as a synonym for capacity building and sustainability. Based on these characteristics, the acronym “RAMSES” has been chosen for this project, which will be implemented as follows:


RAMSES comprises partner institutions from Germany, Romania and Egypt, in order to promote closer S&T cooperation opportunities between Europe and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC). This constellation allows for establishing close links between the European Research Area and MPC and contributes to the realization of the FP7 international dimension, not at least by exposing both basic researchers andclinicians to brain-gain environments.Thus, the main objective of RAMSES is to develop a partnership through twinning actions between the University of Cairo and European centers of excellence at the Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology “Nicolae Simionescu”, Bucharest, Romania and the University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. RAMSES will accomplish this goal by improving scientific relationships, networking and development of the S&T Human Potential, exchanging of know-how and experience, as well as by upgrading the S&T research capacities in the Egyptian research facility. Positive impacts on the international stem cell scientific community are expected.