About us
Mission and Goals/ Misiune si Scop


To uncover at the cellular and molecular level the pathobiochemical alterations occurring in the heart and blood vessels which lead to atherosclerosis, diabetes, ageing, metabolic syndrome; 

To translate the knowledge "from bench to bedside" for patients benefit: prevention, early diagnosis, better therapeutic control, and ultimately cure of cardiovascular diseases.

Biomedical Research
Cellular and molecular biology and pathobiochemistry of the cardiovascular system;

Teaching and Education
   • Master and Ph.D. programs, specialization, post-universitary training courses;

   • Promotion of modern Cell Biology and Pathology in Romania;
    • International collaborations and exchanges.

We are a team of 100 individuals: senior and young investigators (biochemists, biophysicists, chemists, biologists, physicists) trained in prestigious laboratories in United States and Europe, technicians and administrative staff.


The Institute occupies a five-floor building of ~4,000 m2 out of which ~3,000 m2 reside in laboratory space.


Descoperirea – la nivelurile celular si molecular – a alterarilor patobiochimice ce au loc in inima si vasele sanguine conducand la ateroscleroza, diabet, imbatranire, sindrom metabolic;

Translatia cunostintelor "de la masa de lucru la patul bolnavului” in beneficiul pacientului: preventie, diagnostic timpuriu, control terapeutic imbunatatit si, in final, tratarea bolilor cardiovasculare.


Cercetarea Biomedicala

Biologia celulara si moleculara precum si patobiochimia sistemului cardiovascular;

Invatamant si Educatie

 •Programe de master si doctorat, specializari, cursuri postuniversitare;

   • Promovarea biologiei si patologiei celulare moderne in Romania;

   • Colaborari si schimburi internationale.

Suntem o echipa de 100 de oameni: cercetatori experimentati si tineri (biochimisti, biofizicieni, chimisti, biologi, fizicieni) educati in prestigioase laboratoare din Statetele Unite ale Americii si Europa, tehnicieni si personal administrativ.

Institutul este situat intr-o cladire cu cinci niveluri avand o suprafata de cca 4.000 m2 din care cca 3.000 m2 sunt reprezentati de spatiile laboratoarelor.