
În derulare


  • A2A  PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-2024 Contract Number: 104/08.09.2020 UEFISCDI Title: „Apolipoprotein A-II derived peptides with anti-atherosclerotic potential”
  • CARDIOCRISPR PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-1929 Contract No. PED-640/2022. Project title: Experimental demonstration of an innovative biotechnology using CRISPR/dCas9 transcriptional activation to improve HDL function as therapy for cardiovascular diseases
  • NEPHRODIAB  Cod proiect: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2021-0180; Nr contractului: TE 141/2022; Titlul proiectului: "Strategie terapeutică în nefropatia diabetică bazată pe țintirea unor mecanisme epigenetice implicate în insuficiența renală și memoria metabolică"
  • OXIGENEDIT PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0831, Contract No. PCE-90/2022, Project title: Boosting endogenous anti-oxidant enzymes by CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing, an innovative approach for complementary therapy in metabolic disorders
  • PRE-GDM Project: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2021-1161 (TE154) - Title: Blood circulating molecular chaperons - potential markers for gestational diabetes evolution; a proteomic analysis
  • DIAMARK Project PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-1344 (PCE114) - Title: Molecular markers for prediction of evolution and prognosis in diabetic foot management
  • VALDYSIGN  Cod proiect: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2021-0498; NR. CONTRACT: PD 35/2022; TITLU PROIECT: " Impactul glucozei crescute in interactia dintre celulele endoteliale valvulare si monocite: semnatura moleculara si rolul in disfunctia valvulara"




  • OXI-SCENARIO  PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-1903: Interference with hypoxia-signaling pathways in mesenchymal stem cells prior to transplantation as a strategy to enhance myocardial recovery post infarction
  • RNATHER  PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0851; Contract number: 51/2018. Project title: Preclinical strategy to reduce vascular inflammation and oxidative stress by targeting novel non-coding RNA pathways in atherosclerosis.
  • THERADIAB PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-2512 ; Contract number: 265PED/2020; Project title: Innovative triterpenes-based pharmacological strategy for the treatment of diabetes-associated micro- and macrovascular disorders – preclinical study.
  • VAPO Proiect : PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-4574 (267PED) -Titlu (Title): Demonstrarea cresterii potentialului anti-aterosclerotic al apolipoproteinei E tintite catre endoteliul activat, prin fuzionarea cu o peptida care leaga VCAM-1 - (Demonstration of the enhanced anti-atherosclerotic potential of apolipoprotein E targeted to the activated endothelium by fusion with VCAM-1 binding peptide).
  • INNATE-MI PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0172 Project's title: Targeting innate immune mechanisms to improve risk stratification and to identify future therapeutic options inmyocardial infarction. Contract number: 05/18.07.2018.
  • PROSKIN PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-1592, Nr. contract: 3/2018. Title: Mesenchymal stromal cells contribution to the reepithelialization process of the biomimetic skin cultures by differentiation and paracrine factors.
  • NANOLIFE PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0749, Nr. contract: 45/2018, perioada de desfasurare: 16.04.2018-30.09.2020. Titlul proiectului: Nanostructuri bioactive pentru strategii terapeutice inovatoare.
  • NanoApoE PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-1942. Project title: Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of non-viral apolipoprotein E gene transfer to limit progression of atherosclerosis.
  • NANOGINROSA   PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-3552 / Nr. Contract: 270 PED/2020 – Titlu proiect: Dezvoltarea de nanofitozomi inovativi conceputi pentru administrare neinvaziva si cu biodisponibilitate crescuta a unor compusi biologic activi cu proprietati antioxidante si imunostimulatoare.
  • NANORES PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2465 / Nr. Contract: PCE68/ 2021. Title: “Targeted therapy based on biomimetic nanocarriers for resolution of inflammation in atherosclerosis”
  • NAMIGEL PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-4906; Contract no. PED 534/23.10.2020; Title: Development and validation of a native cardiac hydrogel for myocardial repair post infarction.
  • INTERA  PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0697/ Contract no.: 13PCCDI ⁄ 2018. Project title: Terapii inteligente pentru boli non-comunicabile, bazate pe eliberarea controlata decompusi farmacologici din celule incapsulate dupa manipulare genetica sau bionanoparticule vectorizate.
  • IMPLEXIA PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0811/ Nr. Contract: TE 97 /2020  /TITLU PROIECT: Modularea imuna a celulelor T de catre plachete si microvezicule plachetare in ateroscleroza indusa experimental; rolul microRNA-142-3p.
  • BIOVEA PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0527/Contract no. 83 PCCDI/2018 Project Title: Development of BIOnanotechnologies based on extracellular Vesicles for early diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of Atherosclerotic disease
  • EPITERAMI PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-1897/ Contract nr.: 257PED/2020 Titlu proiect: Validarea unui protocol de măsurare în plasmă a unui panel de markeri epigenetici (microARN) pentru prognosticul evoluției și personalizarea terapiei pacienților după infarctul miocardic acut.
  • ERASER PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-1898, Nr contractului: PCE 81/2021. Project title: Advanced therapeutic strategy in atherosclerosis based on epigenetic reprogramming.
  • FasTrap Project PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-1755 (PCE124) - Title A novel anti-atherosclerotic chimeric protein for prevention the  inflammatory cells infiltration in the atheromatous plaque
  • EPITHER PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0665. Project title: Novel epigenetic pathways to induce anti-inflammatory macrophages as potential therapeutic targets in atherosclerosis. Contract number: 69/2017.
  • Ep-Angio  Title: Dynamics of the endothelial junctional proteins in HMGB1-induced angiogenesis; Clinical implications(Contract PD 138/2018) - 2018-2020
  • ECHOTHERA PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-2497; Contract number: 342PED/2020; Project title: Advanced theranostic strategy in atherosclerosis integrating pharmaco-epigenomic interventions and biomimetic microbubbles as ultrasound-mediated targeted drug delivery systems.
  • ECHOES PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1308. Titlul proiectului: Metodă neinvazivă bazată pe nanotehnologie pentru imagistica moleculară a stresului oxidativ în bolile cardiovasculare.  Nr. Contract: 137PED/2017
  • DIAVAN - PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-0247 - Title: Preclinical evaluation of newly designed vanadium compounds for diabetes therapy - 2020-2022 
  • BIOPRINT PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-1660, No. 19 ⁄ 2018. Project Title: Tissue engineering of blood vessels using three-dimensional bioprinting of endothelial and smooth muscle progenitor cells
  • Co-SuSTaIn PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1881: Consolidating the Subcutaneous Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Warranted Therapy for Myocardial Infarction. Numar Contract: 251PED/2017
  • ComTIsM: Ingineria tesutului ischemic prin transplant combinatorial: asamblarea pieselor ce induc atat supravietuirea grefei cat si repararea tesutului gazda 
  • FIBROSTEM  din 25/08/2020. Titulu: 
  • APGEN: Genetically engineered apolipoproteins immobilized on nanoparticles: a Molecular Trojan horse targeting atherosclerotic plaque
  • NICAD: New insights in platelet-endothelial progenitor cell interplay in atherosclerotic disease
  • MISTAD: Microparticles as intracellular delivery strategies for microRNAs and potential therapies for atherosclerotic vascular disease
  • AterTE: Combined hormonal treatment-induced gene transactivation of anti-atherosclerotic proteins as an innovative therapeutic approach for atherosclerosis
  • NANORAGE: Endothelial-targeted nanotherapy designed to silence receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) and reduce inflammation in atherosclerosis
  • MECLIPINSMETABMolecular mechanisms of hyperlipidemia-induced insulin resistance; metabolic connections between the intestine, liver steatosis and atherosclerosis
  • MIRDIATRIXMicroRNA signature of vascular cells cross-talk relevant for the atherosclerotic plaque rupture in patients with type II diabetes
  • THERAMIRAssessment of molecular strategies to improve atherogenic dyslipidemia by modulating the microRNAs expression
  • [GENITIR]Molecular markers for improvement of the diagnostic and follow-up protocols of differentiated thyroid cancer for a better treatment outcome, prognosis and quality of life
  • [S100MAP]: Role of S100A4 and MAP4K4 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma progression
  • [FABIO3D]: Fabrication of osteoinductive orthopedic implants with gradual 3D hierarchical structure 
  • [PCCA-1-CONTRACT 79/2012]:Preclinical model of cell therapy employing protein tyrosine phosphatase-microRNA interplay to optimize neovascularization, acronym “THERION”, PNCDI-II-Partnership-2012-2015, Project obtained by Dr. Marilena Plesu (Lupu) as Principal Investigator, and transferred/currently coordinated by Dr. Alexandrina Burlacu 
  • [BIOMARCAD]: Project title: „New predictive biomarkers for the evolution of the stable and unstable coronary artery disease identified by lipidomic, proteomic and molecular biology technologies” (BIOMARCAD), PROJECT ID: PCCA 127/2012 - 2015, Coordinator: Anca V. Sima 
  • [PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0548]:Molecular regulation of oxidative stress in atherosclerosis: development of an innovative nanocarrier-based antioxidant therapy. Coordinator: Maya Simionescu 
  • [PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0591]:Noi proceduri terapeutice celulare anti-aterosclerotice bazate pe apolipoproteina E. Coordinator: Anca Gafencu  
  • [CNCSIS PNII-TE 26/2011-2014]Investigation of molecular mechanisms of endothelin system in diabetes; development of new pharmacological strategies to improve vascular function. Coordinator: Simona-Adriana Manea 
  • [REFINATER]: Molecules and mechanisms involved in cytokine and chemokine-dependent vascular inflammation as targets for novel nanotherapeutic strategies, PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-2014, Coordinator: Ileana Manduteanu 
  • [ATHEROSCLEROSIS]: CNCS – UEFISCDI Project ID PNII-CT-ERC-2012–1- grant no.6/2012-2014. Grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, Coordinator: Adriana Georgescu .
  • [RECORD]: Molecular mechanisms of human umbilical cord-derived stem cells integration and vasculogenesis within the cardiac tissue; implications for cardiovascular regeneration, acronym “RE-CORD”, CNCSIS PNCDI-II-TE-2010-2013, Principal Investigator: Dr. Marilena Plesu (Lupu) 
  • [CNCSIS PNII-TE 105/2010]: Development of new strategies to improve cell survival and differentiation of stem cells after transplantation into the ischemic myocardium. Coordinator: Alexandrina Burlacu 
  • [CNCSIS PNII-TE 65/2010-2013]: Noi strategii de farmacologie moleculara pentru reducerea stresului oxidativ si inflamator in celulele peretelui vascular in diabet. CNCSIS PNII-TE 65/2010Coordinator: Adrian Manea 
  • [PCCE 248]: New concepts and strategies for the development of knowledge of new biocompatible structures in bioengineering. 
  • [Update]: Proiect PNII_IDEI 1005/2009, Titlul proiectului: Inflamatia si stresul oxidativ in ateroscleroza: mecanisme celulare si moleculare, identificarea si caracterizarea unor noi biomarkeri ai disfunctiei vasculare Coordinator:  Adrian Manea 
  • Use of endothelial progenitor cells differentiated from human bone marrow and placenta in cellular therapy Use of endothelial progenitor cells differentiated from human bone marrow and placenta in cellular therapy Coordinator:  Marilena Lupu [Prezentare Proiect] [Update
  • Comparative analysis of the molecular signals involved in the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells and multipotent adult progenitor cells - Coordinator: Alexandrina Burlacu [Information about Project] [Faza 1 - decembrie 2007] [Faza 2 - iunie 2008] [Faza 3 - ianuarie 2009 ] [Faza 4 - august 2009 ] [Prezentare.pps
  • Grant from Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, CNCSIS, National Program for Research-Development and Innovation 2 (PNCDI-2), Program Human Resources/ Research Projects for young PhD. Students- TD type: The studies of platelet dysfunction associated with vascular system changes in ageing and pathological conditions; Grant no 11/2.06.2008; Nicoleta Alexandru (2008-2009)
  • 2007-2010 - PN II – IDEI:Modificari structurale ale vasculaturii cerebrale in hiperlipemie si imbatranire, ca factori de risc pentru bolile neurodegenerative de tip Alzheimer. Director proiect: Elena Constantinescu.
  • Manipularea in vitro a celulelor progenitoare adulte si stabilirea eficientei transplantului celular autolog in tratamentul infarctului miocardic - Coordinator:  Alexandrina  Burlacu [Prezentare Proiect
  • Mecanisme celulare si moleculare implicate in dezvoltarea placii aterosclerotice. Program PN-II Idei derulat prin UEFISCSU - Coordinator: Felicia Antohe [Prezentare Proiect] 
  • Interrelatia la nivel molecular intre inflamatia cronica si ateroscleroza acccelerata: rolul moleculelor recent descoperite, rezistina, fractalkina, CXCL16; oportunitati pentru noi terapii tintite - Coordinator: Ileana Manduteanu [Prezentare Proiect
  • Banca de celule stem crioconservate pentru cercetare si transplant autolog - Coordinator:  Horia Maniu [Prezentare Proiect
  • Studiul mecanismelor celulare, moleculare si genice prin care dislipidemia induce rezistenta la insulina; identificarea de compusi probiotici activi si metode de tratament - Coordonator: Anca Volumnia Sima [Prezentare Proiect] 
  • The identification of human stem cells markers and mechanisms of in vitro differentiation for myocardial regeneration, Acronym: CARDIOSTEM, Coordinator: Maya Simionescu
  • Complicatiile vasculare ale arteriolelor la pacientii cu obezitate asociata sau nu diabetului de tip 2; disfunctiile endoteliale si rezistenta la insulina - Coordonator: Adriana Georgescu [Detalii Proiect IDEI]
  • Raportul dintre microparticulele circulante si celulele endoteliale progenitoare, un nou marker celular al disfunctiilor endoteliale induse de asocierea dintre hipertensiune si hipercolesterolemie; efectul anti-aterosclerotic al irbersartanului - Coordonator: Adriana Georgescu [Detalii Proiect PARTENERIATE]
  • Efectul nivelelor crescute de microparticule membranare eliberate asupra functiei venelor periferice la pacientii cu insuficienta venoasa cronica - Coordonator: Adriana Georgescu [Prezentare Proiect]
  • Basic and clinical research on the altered cellular and molecular mechanisms and gene expression in cardiovascular disease and diabetes/obesity, disorders linked to the metabolic syndrome, Acronym: AMCADO, Coordinator: Maya Simionescu
  • Genetics and endocrine-metabolic-cognitive changes in human aging, Acronym: GENAGE, ICBP partner, Coordinator: Constantina Heltianu
  • In vitro differentiation of the adult progenitor cells and the assessment of the cell transplantation efficiency in myocardial repair as a function of the differentiation stage of grafted cells, Grant for Excellence Research Projects - Young Researchers, Director: Alexandrina Burlacu
  • In vitro effect of the ischemic myocardium released factorsin the cardiomyocyte differentiation of adult stem cells, Research project for scientific research ; youth candidates for a doctor's degree, Director: Ana-Maria Rosca
  • 2003-2005- CERES:  Studii asupra vasculaturii cerebrale in procesul de imbatranire. Director proiect: Elena Constantinescu
  • Expresia tranzienta a eNOS analizata prin intermediul GFP. Responsabil de proiect: Ciprian Neagoe. (Grant al Academiei Romane, nr. 152/ 2000).
  • 1999-2001 ANSTI: Dinamica interactiilor endoteliu-monocit si endoteliu-matrice extracelulara in cazuri normale si patologice. Director proiect: Elena Constantinescu.


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